"Finally we have it! The Markov Resonant is a flexible shoulder rest whose design places virtually no limit on the violin's tone. In many instances it in fact enhances the instrument's natural resonance.The beautiful wood and natural varnish make it seem an organic part of the violin itself. Many thanks to ever-inventive Albert Markov "
Shem Guibbory
Violinist at the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra,
New York
“I was very excited to hear about the Markov Resonant Shoulder Rest for the first time. I got even more excited when I received it. For someone who was looking to find a balance between playing without the traditional shoulder rests while still having a supporting mechanism that will allow the instrument to be free, comfortable and most importantly - rich and open sounding without being muted, I found exactly what I was looking for! I could not be happier that this wonderful and original product is available to violinists worldwide, and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a way to enhance their freedom and sound on their instrument!”
Boris Abramov
Concert Violinist & Professor of Violin at Schwob School of Music,
Columbus State University